by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes, Tips + Tricks
We’re big fans of pulling kids into the kitchen early and often. But that also means setting kitchen safety rules for kids — and for you. Not just because it keeps them safe (though that’s obviously the most important thing), but because it’s...
by Stacie Billis | Beauty + Cosmetics
So, yeah, I went there: I bought me some Kylie Lip Kits. As in Kylie Jenner. (Heard of her?) And even better, I bought them after being alerted about a restock of the sold-out Lip Kits via an email that I willingly signed up for. Because that’s how badly I...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
I have a confession: I’m a recovering cereal addict. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—and have on occasion—and, would eat it at every snack time if I could. As would my kids. In fact, cereal is one my of our secret ingredients when making a few of...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
Mother’s Day is coming up and this hungry mama can’t think of a better way to mark the occasion than with fantastic edible Mother’s Day gift ideas. I’ve rounded up 8 amazingly tasty finds from some of our favorite gourmet and artisanal...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
As soon as spring hits, I immediately try to switch food gears by ditching all that stick-to-your-ribs winter fare in favor of super light meals instead. It’s a good impulse, but sudden changes like these rarely last more than a week for me. Know what I mean? After...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes, Helpful Services
Even though I love wine, I find the experience of selecting wine a little overwhelming. I never remember what I love most, can’t seem to buy the same bottle twice (unless, of course, it’s a wine I didn’t enjoy), and always feel like I’m relying on others to figure out...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
There aren’t many vegetables that I don’t like, but asparagus is among my least favorite. When my kids bellyache about the green stalks (and, yes, how their pee will smell afterwards), I get it. I pretend like I enjoy asparagus more than I do but, really, I serve it...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
Reducing meat is one of the hardest shifts I’ve ever made in my family’s eating. Even though I’d been a vegetarian through college, I had no idea at the time how to go meatless healthfully. (My youthful diet of pizza, pasta, and more pizza wouldn’t quite cut it for...
by Stacie Billis | Easter Gifts, Food + Recipes
I love hosting holiday brunches for family and friends, but cooking holiday brunches is not so high on my list. I’d much rather ease into my day sipping a latte or, now that it’s spring, one of these amazing iced coffee drinks, than slave over a stove first thing in...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
It used to be that Passover desserts were only good for, well, Passover. No leavening and no flour meant no fun. And it’s even trickier if you keep kosher. Times have changed, though, and while I’m not sure why seder sweets look so much better these days (maybe they...