Can It, Kids

Can It, Kids

Despite my insistence that it would never happen, the toys have in fact eaten our living room whole. I evidently can’t keep the toy animals and crayons and blocks and play silks restricted to the kids’ room, so the least I an do is find some storage that...
Breathing New Life Into That Old Bjorn

Breathing New Life Into That Old Bjorn

Thanks to Cool Mom Picks, I’ve expanded my babywearing horizons to include wraps and slings, but I can never abandon my beloved Swedish front carrier standby, no matter how much drool coats its surface. However thanks to My Little Roo, I can dress up my old...
Definitely spongeworthy

Definitely spongeworthy

The siren song of convenience is strong, even for a greenie like me, and at times I’ve been compelled to some of those one-use cleaning wipes. I never feel right about it though, so I switched back to a bright purple sponge to use with organic all-purpose...
Hipster Babies: Your Clothes Are Ready

Hipster Babies: Your Clothes Are Ready

Wish as I may that I could dress my kids in retro hipster clothing, the combination of my southern locale and my preppy husband make it a look that I just don’t think we can pull off. But if you’ve got a kid that can sport a derby to the park, then...
Jellio Furniture – Roald Dahl Would Be Proud

Jellio Furniture – Roald Dahl Would Be Proud

I am not of the mindset that children’s furniture should be serious – or any furniture for that matter. Give me some bright lime green plastic dining room seats over a set of stern Teutonic stiff-backed chairs any day. Oh wait, I already have them. No...
Over the Rabbit Moon

Over the Rabbit Moon

As I was perusing the selection of fall boys clothes at my regular haunts I noticed one overwhelming commonality: Unless you’re into super duper trendy duds or have a taste for the alternative, artsy stuff, the regular boy clothes are pretty darn cheesy. Just...