Oh the cuteness of denim baby bums

Oh the cuteness of denim baby bums

If you needed any more evidence that denim is hot again, take a look at the new denim diaper cover I just spotted at babyGap. I love the dark wash with the slight fade on the bum, and that little pocket in back is too cute for words. It would look super swell on a...
A baby gift for the stars

A baby gift for the stars

Even after we compile our favorite baby shower gifts of the year in our Ultimate Baby Shower Gift Guide, it’s so fun spending the rest of the next year looking for cool new ones. The kind that make you go wow. Which is just what I did when I stumbled onto these...
When South Africa meets Sweden

When South Africa meets Sweden

I had no idea how much I’ve been taking the fact that there are not one, but two IKEAs within driving distance of me for granted. Poor, poor Heather, the creative talent behind Skinny laMinx, who was so despondent over the fact that none existed in her homeland...
The James Bond wallet for Father’s Day

The James Bond wallet for Father’s Day

While big kids may be busy at camp in the coming weeks stitching up a leather wallet for Father’s Day (and I’m sure it’s lovely), I think we can all safely agree that stainless steel is sleeker and tougher. That’s why I love the wallets and...