We know, we know, we’re talking about panties again on our latest SPAWNED with Kristen and Liz podcast episode. But this time, it’s literal grown-up panties at the request of a listener, not metaphorical ones like we did a couple of weeks ago. We chat about whether kids seem to be growing up too soon these days, plus as always, our cool picks of the week.
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Links from SPAWNED Episode 7 (because we skipped 6)
So, upon listener Lila’s request, we talk about our literal grown-up panties and share our love for Hanky Panky thongs. Have no fear, thong-phobes! These are different.
Then, we give our 2 cents on kids at nail salons, and Liz discusses an experience she had with another mom and her daughter that changed her perspective about it.
The average age girls now start wearing makeup has changed.
Dora the Explorer Perfume and other reasons the apocalypse is nigh. (The comments are the best part.)
Here are some of our favorite safer nail polishes for kids and beauty products (if you’ve got teens or tweens, like us), including Hopscotch Kids (above), Keeki nail polish, Piggy Paint, and Luna Star natural make-up. You can also check the EWG Skin Deep cosmetics database if you want to check any make-up ratings.
Our list of the safest sunscreens for kids from the EWG safe sunscreen ratings.
Kristen’s Cool Picks of the Week: The new Amazon Original rom-com series Catastrophe starring her new crush (and Twitter celeb) Rob Delaney.
Liz’s Cool Pick of the Week: The entire state of Vermont (seriously), but more specifically, the new Spectacular Speculoos ice cream flavor, AKA cookie butter ice cream discovered thanks to the Ben & Jerry’s factory tour. You do know about cookie butter, right?
And hey! We can’t thank you enough for listening, and tweeting us, and emailing, and sharing such lovely comments and reviews. And huge thanks to Mental Floss for picking us as one of 19 notable podcasts about parenting. And to the iTunes reviewer who said we are part of her village now. Aww…we love that.
To ensure you don’t miss an episode of SPAWNED, subscribe to our Podcast feed on iTunes or Stitcher. And if you’ve got a topic idea, a question, a comment, a story about your own literal grown-up panties (hm, on second thought…), just email us at SPAWNED@mompicksprod.wpengine.com. We may even answer your question on our next show.
And of course you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #SpawnedShow.
Bonus! Most weeks, we’ll be hosting a live podcast after-show streaming on Periscope. Make sure you’ve got the Periscope app on your phone and you’re following @coolmompicks and @coolmomtech. We’ll tweet before our live Periscope show starts so you can catch us. We’d love to see you!
Now, go listen! We’re having so much fun, and we hope you will too.