by Mir | Beauty + Cosmetics
I’ve got a bottle of hand sanitizer in my purse, as I’m sure all of you do, too. It feels like an imperative, even though I’ll pick actual soap-and-water hand washing over hand sanitizer whenever I can. So when I first heard about “a new hand...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Fashion
Oh I know how it is. You’ve got a May due date (or so), and while you swore you wouldn’t buy one more maternity piece, you hit January and your current wardrobe is causing actual mental anguish, you’re sick of the cold, you’re sick of feeling...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
Oh please tell me I’m not the only woman on the planet (or at least the island of Manhattan) who just can’t do the spiky stiletto heel thing. I know they’re trendy and fabulous and make your legs look great and all – but uh, no. So I’m...
by Susan | Beauty + Cosmetics
I’m always on the lookout for great holiday gifts for my babysitters and sisters-in-law and girlfriends; just some small, fun treat to remind them how much they mean to me. This year, I’m in love with CrazyLibellule’s Crazy Sticks — solid...
by Cool Mom Team | Beauty + Cosmetics
We have a tradition of visiting friends and family on January 1 – now that we have kids. And we’re not quite so hungover that day. For a New Year’s gift, I love the idea of grabbing one of the natural, small batch handmade Soaptopia gift boxes,...
by Catherine | Baby, Fashion
I can say, in all honestly, that there have been times when I would not have gone out out in public had I not been wearing my Spanx. That has everything to do with the way Spanx just makes everything feel so supported, both in the lift-and-smooth kind of way and in...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
Clearly the green movement is everywhere, including, now, your underwear. Indeed your skivvies are the next if not final frontier for a demonstration of your commitment to all things eco, as we’ve recently discovered.At the UK’s Love Eco, the Pants to...
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
If you’ve got a kid older than about a year, you probably know that bandages are pretty much the best little gift or stocking stuffer ever in the whole wide world. I have no idea if it’s the process of sticking and unsticking them, or the actual wearing of...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
Looking around the Shokay e-shop recently, it turns out one of our favorite fair trade purveyors of luxury hand knit baby clothes are doing beautiful things with accessories now too. Kristen and I pretty much gasped simultaneously when we saw their link floral...