Legos you don’t want the kids anywhere near

Legos you don’t want the kids anywhere near

I’ve always liked conversation-piece jewelry. My feeling is you can get a lot more mileage out of one really striking piece than decking yourself out with hundreds of dollars worth of average stuff. So it figures that I’m already seeking out excuses to buy...
Taking Style Cues From Your Daughter

Taking Style Cues From Your Daughter

Confession: I admitto wearingone of my daughter’s hair clips out of utter desperation. Granted I didn’t wear it out of the house (I swear) but still, there’s something to be said for sharing accessories, provided they don’t have Elmo on them....
Remedy for the Cold Shoulder

Remedy for the Cold Shoulder

I’m generally pretty good about remembering a little sweater or jacket for my kids for those cool summer nights, but me? Well you know moms. We come last. But now I’ve got my eye on this gorgeous wrapfrom Lotus by League of Artisans. Made from non-violent...
Buh-Bye Mom Shoes

Buh-Bye Mom Shoes

Mom jeans definitely get more than their fair share of negative press. But hit the playground and you’ll see that mothers can be just as big fashion offenders further south, in the shoe department. Comfort is one thing, but running shoes? Really? Like, all the...
A pinch of flower

A pinch of flower

With each change of season I feel the call to update my jewelry drawer. It’s a sickness, I know, but with Spring in the air, I just can’t be asked to accessorize with the same old same old. Why, even the suggestion of it is shocking. So right now...
Yoga Moms Do It With Zen

Yoga Moms Do It With Zen

With the massive morning sickness-turned awful reflux that I’ve experienced for the last 6 months, I have gone from yoga enthusiast to…well let’s just say a deep forward bend brings with it more than limber muscles (like my breakfast, for instance)....
Minty Fresh

Minty Fresh

Moms are people too which, I know, is hard for some non-moms to believe. Sometimes we even like to shop where cool people shop. And sometimes–just once in a very blue moon–we like dress like we’re not moms. You know, pants from this century? Shirts...
Just the Kind of Pick Me Up You Need

Just the Kind of Pick Me Up You Need

Now that I’ve returned to the world of breastfeeding, I’ve officially begun the search for a nursing bra that doesn’t scream "Look, a nursing bra!" You know, something that actually hoists the girls up without those straight jacket tactics....
The Maternity Three-Way

The Maternity Three-Way

I can personally attest to the fact that by the time you pop that baby out, you’re ready to burn all your maternity clothes. Not just because most of them aren’t up to your prepartum style standards, but because you wear them so much you’re just damn...