Spreading the almond butter love

Spreading the almond butter love

As someone who has a soft spot for peanut butter (a combination of words that is almost impossible to say when you’re actually eating it), we always have a jar sitting around somewhere. But the more peanuts are disappearing from schools, airplanes, and other...
Magic mushrooms

Magic mushrooms

I am an earnest, but distracted gardener. I have a garden box in my yard, one withholding lemon tree, and an egg carton (maybe) sprouting herbs on my windowsill. I’ve also grown a fungus or two, but it’s always been accidental and I never tried to eat...
Want brownies, kid? Make them yourself.

Want brownies, kid? Make them yourself.

Back when we first told you about the all-natural, nothing-yucky baking mixes from Kids Central Kitchen, we were already impressed. But they’ve gone and raised the bar. Or the snack bar?[don’t miss a sweet discount after the jump] Not that we were...
One word: Caramels.

One word: Caramels.

With a lactose-intolerant family member, I’m always on the lookout for sweet treats that aren’t made with cow’s milk. Whether you’re dairy-free like she is, you’re a vegan, or you just like yummy things, I just found a brand of handmade...
Talk about a sweet Mother’s Day card

Talk about a sweet Mother’s Day card

What mom doesn’t love getting cards on the most important holiday of the year? Of course I’m talking about May 8th, (that’s Mother’s Day honey, in case you forgot). And while I’ve loved every glitter-laden handmade card I’ve ever...