by Carrie | Food + Recipes
My mother was the queen of homemade baby food. And while I admire her commitment and even bought a micro food processor to follow in her footsteps, more often than not I have to reach for something cooked, pureed, and packaged far from my home. I really do want to...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
My wine snob sigOth has gently pointed out to me that it’s tacky to give wine in those mylar wine sleeves they have at the liquor store. Who knew? But when I showed him the absolutely wonderful PopTags wine tags, he smiled and said, “Now that’s...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
When Missy Chase Lapine’s The Sneaky Chef appeared on the scene in ’07, I didn’t think I needed her help since my kids were pretty adventurous eaters. Shoot forward two years though and ho boy, do I need her. With her new book The Sneaky Chef to the...
by Danielle | Food + Recipes
I am a stubborn mom, so I am going to continue to put vegetables on my kids’ plate at every meal, but I am practical enough to realize that they aren’t always been ingested. My son has been known to slide his plate down the table at maximum velocity while...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
I knew that I had found a winner with Home Free’s line of allergy-free treats when I stole the last cookie before the kids came back into the room for more. At that moment, I would never have guessed that there was anything “missing” from these...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
You weren’t going to bring a bottle of Manischewitz for Passover were you? Fine, your call. But me, I would be running to my nearest gourmet store to grab a box of Dark Chocolate Matzo from Vosges. It is seriously one of the most incredible things you have ever...
by Danielle | Food + Recipes
My kids have grown up knowing how important food is to me, so it’s not surprising that they are both fascinated by the kitchen. Children’s cookbooks are a frequent gift at birthday and holiday time, but I’m usually very disappointed in how so many of...
by Danielle | Food + Recipes
I’m one of those really obnoxious food snobs who turns up her nose at boxed cake mixes. But here’s my secret: I always kind of wished I was the type of person who didn’t. Mixes provide a lot fewer opportunities for giant messes, and they truly do...