Trusting your teen? There’s an app for that!

Trusting your teen? There’s an app for that!

It seems impossible to me that I’ll one day have a teen or two whom I’ll allow to roam the world somewhat freely, but the truth is that teenagerhood will be entering my house very, very soon. Hold me.Vanessa Van Petten has been helping parents communicate...
A new iPhone App that even the Grinch would love

A new iPhone App that even the Grinch would love

I have to admit I’m a bit of an iPhone app addict, but even though the number of smart phone apps are growing into the hundreds of thousands I generally think that there are only a dozen or two that are worthwhile. The Dr. Seuss Camera–Grinch Edition...
iPhone cases for the terminally hip

iPhone cases for the terminally hip

I could count the many ways in which I am completely obsessed with Threadless, the original crowdsourcing art-to-product site, but who has that kind of time? Suffice it to say that the whole family enjoys their t-shirts, and I dream of rooms festooned with their Blik...