Because sometimes you’ve just gotta go

Because sometimes you’ve just gotta go

When I think back to my pregnancies, my first thought isn’t of the miracle of life or even the swollen feet and the heartburn. No, when I remember those days, my mind immediately goes to one place: The bathroom. With each child, I remember nine months of...
The iPhone app for babies, bottles, and boobs

The iPhone app for babies, bottles, and boobs

Proving the quip that, Yep, there’s an app for that, Baby Brain has created the ultimate iPhone app that we think you new moms will love for tracking baby’s vital stats. Once you’ve programmed in your baby (or babies), it’s as simple as the...
Get on your bikes and ride

Get on your bikes and ride

One of my first purchases after moving from an urban high-rise apartment to a house in the ‘burbs was a bike. Sure, there were plenty of places to ride in the city, but with only two closets and about a million toys, I simply didn’t have the space to store...
Turning your iPhone into Super Nanny

Turning your iPhone into Super Nanny

Okay, before you laugh, allow me to tell you why you totally want the Time-Out Application for your iPhone. You can pre-program this iPhone App for up to four kids with associated time-out durations, and then– this is the beautiful part– you can run them...
Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

These days I woo clients while emptying the dishwasher, refilling sippy cups, and changing poopy diapers. Yes, really. Obviously, a Bluetooth headset is a must. But not all headsets are created equal, which is why I lo-ove my Zivio Boom.  It’s got six...
A baby monitor for your iPhone? Sure. What the heck.

A baby monitor for your iPhone? Sure. What the heck.

I remember that time we went to visit my folks for the holidays, and in the midst of packing the presents and the pack-n-play, I somehow forgot the baby monitor. Well, I was sure I’d hear the baby when she woke up. But by the time I went to check on her I...
Dear Santa, Call me back!

Dear Santa, Call me back!

If there’s one thing I love about the holiday season, it’s that delightful little perk of being able to tell the kids they have to behave or Santa won’t bring them anything for Christmas. (Holiday blackmail: Just another service I offer as a...
When good things happen to good people

When good things happen to good people

Remember that awesome $5k Intel tech makeover we got to help give away this fall? And you helped vote for the winners? And you were kind of hoping it was you but realized that the people who won were so deserving that you felt perfectly great about it? Right! That...