by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
When a newly-pregnant woman asks me for advice (okay, it’s not like it happens all the time, but it does happen), I have but one gem to share: Don’t tell anyone what you’re thinking of naming the baby. It doesn’t matter if you’re thinking...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
The problem with most gift baskets is you don’t always like everything inside. (Unless it happens to be the chocolate assortment that my sister-in-law sent us this Christmas, in which case my thighs will tell you that I did, in fact, like everything inside.)Red...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
I’m a sucker for those lists of funny questions kids ask (who isn’t?) particularly if I’m not the one who has to answer them all. Which is why I haven’t put down the absolutely engaging new book, Father Knows Less, Or "Why Can’t I...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
The idea of "going green" sounds fantastic in theory, but trading up to a Prius and installing solar panels on my house is not in my near future. But thanks to The Green Book, I’ve learned that saving the planet is easier than I thought. Authors...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
I was a bit cynical when I first cracked the cover of The Newly Non-Drinking Girl’s Guide to Pregnancy: Advice and Support for Surviving 40 Weeks without a Cosmopolitan. "Surviving" without a Cosmopolitan? Isn’t that overstating the case a wee...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
I’m not sure what it is about ties that makes us grab them in desperation for Father’s Day gifts. Me included. But this year, I urge you to return it–it’s not too late!–and instead check out the plethora of appropriate hipster dad gifts...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
When I cracked open a review copy of The Complete Book of Baby Names by Leslie Bolton in search for a name for my yet unnamed fetus, I was expecting the same old same old. Yes, there’s the requisite index of names and several chapters of decent naming advice....
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
With my daughter’s third birthday rapidly approaching, I’m already in party planning mode. While she’s got definite opinions about her cake and party theme, the party favor bags are my territory. Instead of sending kids home with candy that will win...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
After I peed on the stick and saw those two pink lines, I did what a lot of newly-pregnant women do: I took 157 books off the bookstore shelves, sat myself down and tried to find just one one that echoed my feelings and thoughts about pregnancy. But most just made me...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We all love swapping war stories with another mom friend: You share your potty training adventures, she describes her toddler’s attempts to escape from the crib. By conversation’s end you’re laughing, crying, and grateful for the venting that keeps...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
I have developed a wee bit of cynicism about the recent spate of irreverent momoirs and advice books out there for parents. The vast majority have terrific titles…and that’s pretty much where you’ll want to stop reading. So I wasn’t entirely...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
Despite continued reassurance that we only serve delicious meals at our house, my older daughter stubbornly resists trying new foods. The tears, tantrums and intense negotiation are exhausting. For once, I’d like to sit down to a meal without ever uttering the...