by Cool Mom Team | Party Ideas, Tips + Tricks
If it’s not clear, we all love parties around here. But planning and hosting them? Well, that can be a challenge, especially if you’re a busy parent. But fear not! We’ve put together a ton of ideas to help make parties even easier. In other words, we...
by PJ Feinstein | DIY, Tips + Tricks
Have your kids been slacking on their daily chores lately? Or really, have you been slacking on enforcing them? First, give yourself a break; summer just unofficially ended. Second, I’ve got help for you: Download one of these cool printable chore charts for...
by Christina Refford | Tips + Tricks, Toys + Playthings
It’s hard to feel like King of the Road when really, you’re King of Don’t Go Beyond the End of the Driveway! With three kids and one long paved driveway, I’ve been there! So, whether you live on a house on a high-traffic street, or you just...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
Over the last three years, I’ve moved alone with my four kids twice — once long distance, once pretty much right around the corner — and hey, I survived. And so did my kids. All of us with our sanity intact. Well, mostly. Of course, there were plenty...
by PJ Feinstein | Tips + Tricks
My family was in the middle of moving halfway across the country last year when my son’s preschool started, so I missed the opportunity to take those official first day of school photos every parent loves. I’d like to think I snapped a picture of him...
by PJ Feinstein | Art + Decor, Tips + Tricks
I’ve definitely been looking for cool playroom ideas lately for my own son. Because between the art supplies in the kitchen, the Play-Doh in the dining room, and the pretend workbench and kitchen in the basement, my preschooler is quickly laying claim to our...
by Nicole Blades | Tips + Tricks
Hey, wait a minute. Is that you, August? How did you get here so fast? I know I’m not the only one who feels like this. Wasn’t it April just yesterday? Instead of trying to wrap our collective heads around the theory of relativity, let’s focus on how...
by PJ Feinstein | Tips + Tricks, Toys + Playthings
The very first thing my son does when we sit down to eat at a restaurant (well, after ordering both ice water and milk) is ask for my iPhone. I’ll admit that I’m often tempted to hand it over because it’s such an easy way to keep him entertained while we’re...
by Nicole Blades | Family Travel, Tips + Tricks
So, you want to go to a resort with the fam on vacation? Lucky you. I just did it and I can help! But first know, that as with most anything that involves tiny humans, tweens, teens — or any combination of them — you’ll need a clear plan. And the...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
With four kids running around my house, that’s a whole lot of teeth to keep up with, and as much as I’d like to say my kids are always excited and enthusiastic about brushing their teeth on their own for those seemingly endless two minutes that’s...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
We are having so much fun with our kids home for summer break, the occasional sibling squabble aside, but we’re already thinking about back-to-school. Especially on behalf of those of you in the south who start in what, like four minutes? There’s so much...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids, Tips + Tricks
As big-time book lovers here, we’ve learned that a love of reading is acquired and not something kids are necessarily born with, like the color of their eyes or their uncanny inability to sleep past 6 AM on a Saturday. So we love putting together tips for...