by Liz Gumbinner | Random Coolness
Over the years, we used to create the best April Fool’s posts each April 1 until it became…well, kind of a thing everyone did and readers got savvy and started expecting them. Then we started sharing the best April Fool’s pranks you could play on...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
It means nothing. Absolutely nothing in 2021. &$#*# April Fool’s Day! I mean, can’t we just have one day when we are not terrified about something — real or otherwise? So my April Fool’s Day proposal is we just get rid of it. And...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
If you’ve lost track of days like we have, then you might not know that it’s April Fool’s Day tomorrow. Which used to mean all sorts of crazy Internet pranks (us included – like this one, and this one… just to link a couple), and ones...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
As busy as we are with our kids and all the activities we’re running to every week night, like most parents, we really do our best to feed them healthy foods. That usually means eating together before hockey practice, or packing some sort of meal on-the-go,...
by Cool Mom Team | Doing Good
We admit, like a lot of parents, we were pretty shocked (to say the least) about the new Victoria’s Secret line of sexy panties with provocative phrases being marketed towards young teens. Do our ninth-graders really need DARE YOU written on their rear ends?...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Okay, so clearly at Cool Mom Picks we’re all 14 year-old boys at heart because we love April Fool’s, and we always love calling out some of the greatest April Fool’s jokes spreading across the web every year. Here, a few favorites of 2012 so far: *a...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
We’re not surprised that prettier disposable diapers are the hot new trend, with the growing popularity of designer diapers like the Huggies jeans diapers and Cynthia Rowley Pampers we featured here on Cool Mom Picks. So we couldn’t help but laugh when we...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Food + Recipes
Now that spring is here, a kid’s (and uh, a mom’s) fancy turns to ice cream–arguably our favorite of all the food groups. We consider ourselves ice cream connoisseurs around here, but I have to say, I was surprised to try a brand new ice cream made...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Of all the iPhone apps we’ve reviewed lately, this one is definitely giving us the biggest chuckle: Virtual Nose Job: Children’s Edition. It’s the brainchild of a top Palm Beach plastic surgeon, who realized that when his patients’ daughters...