HappyBaby = HappyMama

HappyBaby = HappyMama

Kids like snacks. Like, really, really like them. Understatement of the year, right? I truly believe that if I just had a constant supply of snack-type foods on hand, my children would eat all day. And I have a sneaking –or is it snacking?– suspicion that...
Organic baby food that fits in your back pocket

Organic baby food that fits in your back pocket

I have approximately 563 teensy glass baby food jars left over from when my 3-year-old was a baby. Okay, I may be exaggerating. But the pantry sure feels like Baby Food Container Central. My plan was to use these jars in all kinds of useful, and… well,...
This cup is made from plants. Yup, plants.

This cup is made from plants. Yup, plants.

I have a huge sweet tooth. But, I don’t want to eat yogurt that’s impersonating a strawberry shortcake or alcoholic beverage. If I want shortcake, I’ll have shortcake! That’s one of the reasons I’m a big fan of Stonyfield Farm’s...
Steel yourself for stainless baby bottles

Steel yourself for stainless baby bottles

We’ve been toting our drinks around in stainless steel bottles and containers for years now. But what about the babies? Well, obviously when they’re drinking their milk straight from the source, they’ve got the best drink container out there. But if...
Baby’s first cookbook

Baby’s first cookbook

I confess; I made my own baby food. But just so we’re clear, I was less a domestic goddess and more a garden-variety control freak. I spent late nights cooking and chopping and freezing, and honestly, I took no joy in it whatsoever. Boring.But that’s only...