by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
We figure if we weren’t be laughing at all the challenges of motherhood, then we’d probably be crying, so it’s no surprise that we’ve been long time fans of the hilarious selection of baby gifts at Wry Baby. And we’d be completely remiss...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Random Coolness
Sometimes it’s the extra touches added to a baby gift that can make difference between a simple Thank you so much and an effusive Oh my goodness I absolutely love it!Take the sweet vintage-inspired wooden hangers at Zia + Tia. Sure, they make a...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
We instantly fell in love with artist Alyssa Coberly’s adorable personalized onesies a few years back, and it seems like her work, sort of like babies, just keeps getting cuter and cuter – which is why we included her exclusive gift set in our...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby
So here’s the dirty secret about babywearing: Different baby carriers work for different people and different babies at different times. It’s totally subjective, and that’s why so many of us have a complete wardrobe of the darned things. But I now...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Over the past few years at Cool Mom Picks I’ve seen the reinvention of the high chair, the baby carrier, the baby bottle and the bouncy chair. The last newborn essential I thought needed any improvement was the baby hat. Well color me surprised, but...
by Christina Refford | Baby
I am in the market for a cool, eco-friendly baby play gym for my 5-month-old boy. Let me know if you have any suggestions. I am willing to spend around $100. Thanks much. -Jennifer C. Finding what we would call a cool play gym takes a little searching—most of...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby
I’m so sorry, old buckle carrier, but we’re breaking up. I met someone new.My new love is the Oh Snap! by BabyHawk, and I’m trying to find out if it’s legal to marry your baby carrier. I’m a monogamous sort of girl, and even though...