80 Acres of Yum

80 Acres of Yum

As I was walking through the beauty product aisles at the NY Gift show recently, amidst all the thickly perfumed lotions and soaps that smelled like an ice cream shop explosion, boy was I happy to have stumbled into the McEvoy Ranch booth. And to have gotten the...
This Works. Says them. And us.

This Works. Says them. And us.

Each morning, it takes a vat of coffee to get me going and ready to face another day in charge of three young lives. So yes, I was eager to try out a shower gel with the word “energy” in it. This Works: Energy Bank Bath and Shower Gel works indeed....
Sugar mama

Sugar mama

Summer’s here, and I’m getting ready to bare some skin. Along with sit ups, a quickie pedicure and hedge clippers (you know what I mean), I’ve added The Spoiled Mama Orange and Chamomile Sugar Scrub to my bag of tricks. In those fleeting moments I...