Cancer with a happy ending

Cancer with a happy ending

We here at Cool Mom Picks love our sponsors (love them!), but some we have to admit we love just a bit more than others. So when we found out that The American Cancer Society would be a part of our site over the coming weeks, we immediately asked what we could do to...
Gift baskets for Mother’s Day filled with hope

Gift baskets for Mother’s Day filled with hope

This Mother’s Day, you can honor thy mother (or a mother you love) by helping mothers in crisis. And I don’t mean “oh no, the babysitter canceled at the last minute.” More like women affected by humanitarian emergencies around the world.The...
On the Wings of Hope

On the Wings of Hope

In my current postpartum state, I’m as close as you might get to a charity case. But multiply the joy of shrinking yourself back into those skinny jeans times 100, and you’ll get what your donation can do for the amazing Wings of Hope charity. Started in...
Rise Up, Moms!

Rise Up, Moms!

“Women shouldn’t be discriminated against simply because they are mothers.” Any organization with a manifesto like that has our full attention. Introducing Moms Rising, a new organization that’s creating a grassroots movement of moms on the...