by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
NOTE: It appears that Sunland Inc is now out of business. Check your pantries, mamas! The recall of New Mexico-based Sunland Inc. peanut butter sold at Trader Joe’s has now been expanded to 76 types of products, including almond butter, cashew butter, and tahini. The...
by Stephanie Slate | Kids
Reading the recent Cool Mom Picks post about awesome family-friendly bicycles had me dreamily clicking through images of families on bikes and imagining myself pedaling my kids through our neighborhood. Only, with the most awesome bike helmet ever made. And...
by Lexi Petronis | Living
Our new house has lots of windows, with lots of brand-new window blinds. That means lots of window blind cords — and, to parents, those are serious business. That stats about kids strangled by the cords each month are pretty disturbing. So I was really happy to...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Editors Best of the Year
If you haven’t realized by now, babies come with stuff. Here, our top 10 of the coolest baby gear that we discovered in 2011. Some of it will be the newest new mama essential, some of it…well, a gal can dream sometimes. Bugaboo Donkey Liz: I have to give...
by Christina Refford | Baby
As a glass-is-half-full kind of person, I am thrilled to read that the FDA has (finally) agreed to ban the use of BPA in all baby bottles and spill-proof cups. OK, sure, Europe, Canada and China, along with a handful of U.S. states, have already made this move. And I...