by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Kid Style
While a ton of kids and babies are going to end up with “Kiss me I’m Irish” shirts today, we thought we’d take a slightly different tack and track down some cool kids’ t-shirts featuring some of our favorite Irish rock bands. Because St....
by Kristen Chase | Kid Style
My son hasn’t pulled out his skateboard in a couple of years but that hasn’t stopped him from wearing his new etnies from their Spring 2015 collection. And considering how picky he tends to be about footwear, I’d say that’s nothing short of...
by PJ Feinstein | Baby, Kid Style
For those of us still digging our way out of winter, it’s hard to believe that spring is nearly here — and that Easter is less than a month away. Which means it’s time to start thinking about swapping our kids’ Sunday sweats for their Easter...
by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Kid Style
At a time we’re seeing some of our favorite small artists abandon Etsy for their own storefronts, we’re thrilled to see one of our all-time favorite makers, Courtney Courtney, back there again, giving us one more place to shop in addition to the Courtney...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
With a seven-year-old who has yet to outgrow the My Little Pony obsession, I’ve conceded. All things being equal, I realize I’d rather her hide in her room with her friends role-playing stories about friendship and teamwork than whatever it is other...
by Nicole Blades | Baby, Kid Style
According to that rascal of a groundhog last week, it looks like winter will be sticking around the Northeast for six more weeks. I’m pulling out my Silver Linings Playbook, and choosing to see it as an extension on snuggle parties with my youngster. And...
by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Kid Style
It’s been pretty well established by now that girls are capable of loving both science and pink. They might even like dinosaurs and pirates and trucks and purple princesses…all together. I know, it’s like a world gone crazy for most mainstream toy...
by Nicole Blades | Kid Style
When I took my son to the American Museum of Natural History in NYC last summer, I realized that I’d forgotten how full of fun and wonder museums can be. The fab collection of museum-inspired science t-shirts for kids from J. Crew for AMNH is bringing it all...