Ready for Cars 2? Now you will be.

Ready for Cars 2? Now you will be.

With Cars 2 coming soon to theaters at the end of the month, we’re going to be drowning in licensed merchandise any day now. I love Lightning McQueen as much as the next mama, I just hate for my kids to strut around looking like walking advertisements for the...
Dressed to thrill

Dressed to thrill

After the fun of dressing two little girls, I was pleasantly surprised to find that outfitting my baby boy was pretty darn fun too. So much for the myth that little boy clothes aren’t nearly as cute as little girl clothes.I do struggle in one area though:...
Handmade kids clothes with a retro Preppy feel

Handmade kids clothes with a retro Preppy feel

Summer is here, and once it gets hot, the temptation to just let the baby loll around in a diaper — or maybe a onesie — is almost overwhelming. But if you’re like me, you’re always looking for ways to keep the baby cool and cute, all at once....
Owls are the new black

Owls are the new black

If you’ve been anywhere near a children’s shop in the last year or so, you’ll know that an owl is the requisite children’s motif for 2011. And we’re not complaining a bit. Especially when it’s as cute as the ones we’ve just...
Where to shop for tweens? Here!

Where to shop for tweens? Here!

Any mom to a girl between the ages of 7 and 14 knows the dreaded Pit Of Despair when it comes to dressing them–it seems like most choices at that age fall into either the “too cutesy” or “way too mature” camp. So what’s a mama to a...
Thinking of you, Japan.

Thinking of you, Japan.

“Thinking of you” is most definitely what our hearts and minds are saying about our friends in Japan, so why not our shirts? Or our kids’ shirts, for that matter.  The Japan Appeal T-shirt by Caramel Baby + Child of London is just brilliant....