by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
Whether you call it Autism Awareness or Autism Acceptance like one of my good friends, April is a great month to learn more about autism and how to make our world more supportive to those families living with it. That’s one reason we’ve long supported...
by Kristen Chase | Helpful Services
Music is such an important part of children’s lives from both an educational and entertainment standpoint. As a former music therapist and college professor I might be a little biased, but there are plenty of personal stories and scientific studies to back up...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
My five-year-old son told me he thinks girls are the coolest because, among other things, they get to lay babies. As in, lay eggs). Yep. While I feel like I may have nailed the pro-woman mindset with him, I might not have done so well in the biology department. So...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
So, a couple years ago I predicted that my kids would still be flipping through the book Maps by Aleksandra Mizielińska and Daniel Mizieliński—and I was right. The pages are well-loved, and it’s still displayed prominently on our coffee table. So recently...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
April is National Poetry Month, so we’re having some fun adding poetry to our bedtime reading routine. Of course, any reading out loud to my kids is good for growing brains, but kids seem to have a special love for poetry–even before they understand the...
by Stephanie Slate | Books for Adults
So, there’s this really interesting website called The Book of Life. And I’m trying to figure out how to describe it, but I keep coming up empty. Is it an encyclopedic resource? An online self-help book? A place to turn for philosophical discourse?...
by Kate Etue | Doing Good
Imagine if you didn’t have electricity at home and your kids had to go out and sit under a street lamp on a deserted street, alone each night, in order to finish their homework. That’s exactly what a lot of kids face in other parts of the world, though...
by Christina Refford | Kids
I want to answer my kids’ questions and help them with their homework, but I can’t always drop everything to help them find the answer rightthisverysecondplease–nor do I want my younger ones doing a Google search on their own. Instead, I’m...