by Cool Mom Team | Entertainment + Media
One of my favorite aspects of parenting has to be watching my favorite classic movies with my kids for the first time just like I did with my parents. Except we saw them on the big screen back then. And no, I’m not talking about a gihugic plasma.But for one...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
I am one of those moms who avidly resisted a DVD in the car until I finally broke down before a 10-hour car trip with two under three. Even so, I am a strong believer in looking out the window, playing word games, and singing along to music, with the DVD as a very...
by Julie | Toys + Playthings
Craft kits are perfect for moms lacking that creativity gene, but then there are moms like me who combine both lack of creativity with an aversion to clutter. Our kids happily create, but then we wonder what to do with the (precious and unique but totally useless)...
by Mir | Books for Adults
I suppose they could’ve come up with a different name for Better World Books, but when you’re really making a better world for everyone through a love of books, well, the name fits. Perfectly.Next time you shop for books, consider the option that is both...