Consider it an app for free fries

Consider it an app for free fries

Yeah, sometimes we want to hit our favorite restaurant and the kids can nibble off our plates or make do with — gasp! — adult food, but other times we’re faced with the realities of a tight budget and wanting to keep the peace. With Kids Eat For...
Born with a pewter spoon

Born with a pewter spoon

When I first had a baby, I kind of thought that a baby feeding set was one of those silly, outdated keepsake gifts that sits on the shelf. As it turns out, my toddler and my four year-old still fight over the “teeny spoon.”Because you know, all things...
Moja Rising

Moja Rising

When I first heard of the MojaMix Custom-Mixed Cereal, I thought you’d have to be a pretty picky eater to need that. And then I remembered that I custom-order three different kinds of coffee beans to hand mix at home for my perfect roast. Who am I to judge? In...
Funky lunch – that’s a good thing

Funky lunch – that’s a good thing

I do not have six million free hours in my day but if I did, I just might consider turning my kids’ sandwich into a giraffe. Or a caterpillar. Or Sponge Bob. Just because I could. And if I were to do that kind of a thing, I would have to hit the website Funky...
Through the drinking glass

Through the drinking glass

With my oldest daughter’s recent transition from sippy cups to regular cups, I’m having to scrounge around for our collection of BPA-free IKEA plastic cups that tend to end up in our bath tub as play toys instead of filled with milk on our dinner table.So...