Book log for kids? Reader Q&A

Book log for kids? Reader Q&A

Do you have a recommendation for a good “Books I’ve Read” journal or notebook for kids? -Suzanne, via FacebookBook logs or journals are a great way to give kids tangible pride in all the reading they’ve done, as well as a place to look back to...
A special book for a mama’s special thoughts

A special book for a mama’s special thoughts

When our daughter was born, I did what so many mamas do: I started a baby book. I wanted to capture everything about her, along with the wonderment of being a new mom; I’d lost my own mother to cancer a year earlier, to the date, and I thought writing about...
Embrace pregnancy one pretty page at a time

Embrace pregnancy one pretty page at a time

When I was assigned to check out a pregnancy journal for Cool Mom Picks, I jokingly responded that I’d do it as long as I didn’t have to get pregnant. Well, here I am (no, not pregnant!) flipping through Embrace: A Pregnancy Journal and suddenly I’m...