by Mir | Helpful Services
Look, we’ve discussed my SIS (Scrapbook Impairment Syndrome) in the past. I’m okay with it. There are tools available for me to do pretty things with my pictures in other ways.But if I want a genuine photos-affixed-to-beautiful-backgrounds, scrapbook...
by Stephanie Slate | Uncategorized
The answer to my not enough time during the holidays to breathe let alone send cards prayers has arrived in my inbox just in time for Christmas: Paperless Post. Two words that will forever ring more beautifully than the Christmas bells themselves. I mean it. ...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We’ve been blown away by the awesome entries to the Shutterfly contest so far. We love seeing your families and your amazing books – so keep them coming! You have until tomorrow night to share your own book and win a bunch of great prizes –...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Well weren’t we just shocked when we clicked over to the Telegraph UK today to find out that their list of the 12 Best Websites for Families and Kids included Cool Mom Picks.Their feeling was that yes, we do have “cool stuff for parents and kids” and...
by Mir | Books for Adults
When I told my parents I was expecting, I didn’t tell them I was expecting. I told them we’d done some interesting sightseeing, and did they want to see pictures? And then I gave them my ultrasound photos.If The Grandparents Handbook had been around, back...
by Liz Gumbinner | Helpful Services
Some of my favorite memories: Seeing Paris when I was 8. My senior year dance performance. Bungee jumping off a crane over the Hudson River. And they’re all saved on video tape. As in, not DVDs. And since we’ve ditched the VCR, there’s not much...
by Christina Refford | Books for Adults
Forget the baby monitor or motorized swing: what I really could have used when my kids were little was photographer and dad Nick Kelsh’s entertaining and smart new DVD, How to Photograph Your Baby, a companion to the classic book by the same name. If you have...