by Kristen Chase | Kitchen + Dining
My kids do really well drinking out of actual cups, but sippies and cups with straws are a fixture for my little ones who still tend to spill a little. Or, on bad days, more than they actually get in their mouths. That’s why I’m really digging the clever...
by Liz Gumbinner | Family Travel
I was never a colorful carry-on luggage gal; I’ve spent most of my life fairly satisfied with black, until recently when I was forced to check a bag–then watched at the carousel as about six people picked up my bag and put it back down before it got to me....
by Liz Gumbinner | Family Travel
Having recently spent oh, a good twenty minutes at a luggage carousel in a panic that my bag wasn’t out yet and that it happened to be the exact same shade of black as every other, with a black luggage tag that blended right in, it’s time for me to move...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
My kids are increasingly fascinated by travel and different cities around the world, but alas, I’ve yet to find that spare million in my old jacket pocket that will allow us to travel the globe every year. Still, this new book series for kids is a really...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style, Tips + Tricks
This post is part of a monthly series with our Baby Shower Gift Guide sponsor, babyGap celebrating motherhood firsts. And there are lots! We city mamas know that getting around the city with a baby is a wee bit different than hopping in and out of the SUV all day. If...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby
I consider myself a pretty light packer, but traveling with kids can make an overpacker of the best of us. Especially if a baby is involved. Those tiny people sure don’t travel light. Luckily, the wise folks at Phil & Ted’s have found a way to make...
by Liz Gumbinner | School Gear
Back to school shopping season gets earlier every year, doesn’t it? I have to say, there’s something about a shiny new backpack ready for new learning and new adventures that makes the season more fun. I mean, for the kids. Of course. We’ve loved,...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
My family and I are hitting the road soon and, having learned the hard way to never be caught empty-handed on a long trip, I’ll be prepared with an arsenal of travel snacks. Ideally healthy ones. Since you might be traveling soon too, whether a flight across...