Are we freaking there yet?

Are we freaking there yet?

Are we there yet?It’s one of those perpetual jokes paid forward by each generation. You’re going to torture your parents? That’s fine. One day, your kids will torture you in turn. And that day is now. And even your noise-canceling headphones and some...
5 must-haves for chic summer travel

5 must-haves for chic summer travel

If you haven’t yet checked out the beautifully designed online style mag, CeciStyle, from the custom stationers of Ceci New York, we think you might like it. In fact, today is a pretty good day to do that very thing. Not coincidentally, we’ve even...
Tip for flying with babies – Buy this.

Tip for flying with babies – Buy this.

Does the thought of flying with your baby on a long journey completely stress you out? When your little one is small and doesn’t have his own child’s airplane seat, you cross your fingers that you get a seat up in front with more leg room that could be...
Grilling on the go

Grilling on the go

This week we found ourselves unexpectedly in need of a grill at a summer rental. We didn’t want to invest a fortune–we apartment dwellers can’t quite throw a few steaks on the grill in the middle of our living rooms. So I just love the idea of this...