Smaller is big on inspiration

Smaller is big on inspiration

I love flipping through lifestyle magazines. The combination of the beautifully styled photographs, creative recipes and fresh ideas really inspire me. I guess that’s why I love Small Magazine and their new online blog, Smaller.The free downloadable e-magazine...
Here they come to save the birthday!

Here they come to save the birthday!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked aimlessly around the toy store aisles trying to find just the right birthday gift for one of my son’s friends. And just when I think I’ve found the perfect one —  the price tag indicates...
It’s a JuiceBoxJungle out there

It’s a JuiceBoxJungle out there

For the last few weeks, we’ve been following the launch of the offbeat online video series for parents, JuiceBoxJungle, and we like what we’re starting to see. Each episode takes on the kinds of topics that moms like to discuss (or stress about) from...
Making math fun. You heard me.

Making math fun. You heard me.

My oldest is cursed with two parents are good at math. Yes it’s a curse, because while we can help her with her homework, we also tend to get frustrated at the drop of a hat: How can you NOT understand that? Guilty as charged.So I was relieved that she took an...
Psst…I know a mom…

Psst…I know a mom…

At Cool Mom Picks, we love to cheer on our fellow moms, spreading the word about cool stuff created by parents we know and the ones we wish we knew. Whitney Hill, founder of, has brought together hundreds of those moms she knows in an ever-growing index...
Hey, we’re Etsy’s guest curators!

Hey, we’re Etsy’s guest curators!

Here’s something way cool: Check out the Etsy blog, The Storque starting today and you’ll catch editors Kristen and Liz as this week’s guest curators. Whoo!It was so fun pulling together a collection of our favorite nursery art found on...