Ferd gives boys a license to chill

Ferd gives boys a license to chill

Here comes Jimmy Bond. He rolls up on a black Big Wheel and requests his favorite drink: chocolate milk; shaken, not stirred. Aunts line up to pinch his cheeks. And I imagine him wearing this effortlessly cool striped shirt and tie combo from Ferd. And maybe some tiny...
Yes, carrots. YES!

Yes, carrots. YES!

I’m not in the habit of talking to vegetables unless I’m pregnant and singing a love song to my tempura zucchini. Still, I find myself saying yes to Yes to Baby Carrots several times a day lately. Maybe you’ve seen the orange-splashed Yes to Carrots...
The James Bond wallet for Father’s Day

The James Bond wallet for Father’s Day

While big kids may be busy at camp in the coming weeks stitching up a leather wallet for Father’s Day (and I’m sure it’s lovely), I think we can all safely agree that stainless steel is sleeker and tougher. That’s why I love the wallets and...
Gilt Groupe goes maternity. Whoo!

Gilt Groupe goes maternity. Whoo!

Do you ever have that dream–the one where you go to a big, magical store, and everything is shiny and pretty and on a 50% off sale? I do, and I’m usually riding a glittery pink unicorn with shopping baskets as saddle bags. That’s why I’ve been...
Everybody needs a rock

Everybody needs a rock

Everyone always asks where we find children’s books, and the truth is, the best ones always come recommended by my mother. How lucky we are to have a teacher in the family! This past weekend, my four year-old grabbed Byrd Baylor’s  Everybody Needs a...