Welcome CBS Early Show Viewers!

Welcome CBS Early Show Viewers!

If you’ve stumbled here, to our humble online abode after seeing our Editor-in-Chief Liz Gumbinner’s appearance on the CBS Early Show this morning, we wanted to point you towards the wonderful customized gifts she was talking about. The First Adventures of...
Mid-century classics for the munchkin set

Mid-century classics for the munchkin set

We’re all major fans of Knoll studio, which is synonymous with elegant, modern furniture design. So we’re especially happy that they’ve rolled out Knoll Kids, featuring scaled down versions of some of their most famous pieces. Your child can return...
PLAY + SOFT = Awesome

PLAY + SOFT = Awesome

One of the best things about feelgood design’s PLAY + SOFT line of  kids’ furniture is that it is so cool-looking, I wouldn’t want to hide it in the playroom or in one of the kids’ bedrooms. One of the worst things is that that their stuff...
Bring It.

Bring It.

It’s the invasion of the eco-bags! They’re flooding the market and the truth is, as long as they keep being cute, we’re going to keep posting about them. The latest entry: BYOB from two ever eco-consicous women up in Vancouver, Canada.The...