You can totally judge me by a book’s cover.

You can totally judge me by a book’s cover.

You can’t throw a rock without hitting a Twilight t-shirt, but now you can finally use 100% cotton to demonstrate your devotion to the greats of the literary world. Salinger. Hemingway. Rand. Bradbury. We’re talking total street cred with the indie crowd,...
March On, Dr. King

March On, Dr. King

I want my kids to know that Martin Luther King Day represents more than a three-day weekend. But instead of watching more grown-up documentaries that can be a bit scary for little eyes, I’m thrilled to have a copy of Scholastic’s new DVD, March On! The Day...
The writing’s on the wall, literally

The writing’s on the wall, literally

Telling your child to grab a marker and go scribble on the walls is right up there with asking them to run with scissors. Unless you’re talking about Idea Paint, which basically turns any surface into a dry erase board. It’s easy to apply; just prime a...