Hope in a bottle. Seriously.

Hope in a bottle. Seriously.

Every year, without fail, I make the same New Year’s Resolution: To drink more water. And every year I fail miserably. However Project 7 water may provide me with just the motivation I need to succeed. Project 7 is a small Texas company created by Tyler and...
Three cheers for custom pennants!

Three cheers for custom pennants!

I used to love the show Happy Days–remember Arnold’s and all the sports pennants hanging all over the walls? (You do remember Happy Days, right? I can’t be that old.) I guess that’s why I loved these personalized felt pennants from Kristine...
An apple a day keeps the rat’s nest away

An apple a day keeps the rat’s nest away

Oh happy day; it’s taken four whole years and my daughter is at last allowing me to stick hair clips in her crazy hair – and not pulling them out four seconds later. In fact she seems to like them. (And I say this hesitantly knowing I’m probably...
Eco-friendly lunches are in the bag

Eco-friendly lunches are in the bag

I don’t even want to think about how many plastic sandwich bags I go through a month. Every day my son takes at least two or three in his lunch bag, and I’ve felt it’s either use a disposable sandwich bag or buy the much more expensive pre-packaged...
Don’t burn, baby burn

Don’t burn, baby burn

The best part of the summer, for me, are the days spend hanging out at our local pool, but worst part is getting my son to put on sunscreen. No, strike that, usually I can pin him down long enough to slather him with the first coating; it’s arguing over how long...