Faster than a speeding bagel…

Faster than a speeding bagel…

Personally I believe that Seth Rogan is the Woody Allen of our generation. So when he sported this Superjew Tee in the movie Funny People my immediate thought was Love it! Not, Hm, why don’t they make those for kids?But, sometimes Hollywood knows what we want...
Toddler nap mats? Reader Q&A

Toddler nap mats? Reader Q&A

Cool Moms, do you know of any great day care nap mats for toddlers? -SuzanneThis is actually the first year my daughter needed a nap mat for school, so thanks to your question, Suzanne, I was able to find a bunch that work for us as well. The kid’s eco nap mats...
Coloring is serious business

Coloring is serious business

Of course every parent thinks every scribble their child does is a collectible masterpiece, but in the case of the Coloring Can Be Funny coloring book, I think it’s kinda true. Talented, ?ber-hip artist, S. Britt, turned a bunch of his whimsical doodles into...
Fabric scraps never had it so good

Fabric scraps never had it so good

Designer Cath Young says her label Chunky Chooky is dedicated to “cool things for small people,” but I’d argue you don’t have to be particularly small to relish her adorable softies–creatures, rattles, and so-called wabbits fashioned from...
A mini-me for your mini-she

A mini-me for your mini-she

Rarely do I bemoan the fact that my daughter won’t tolerate anything in her hair, but when I first saw these mini me custom felt portraits from Emandsprout, I couldn’t stop thinking of how utterly adorable a portrait barrette would look in her blond hair....
Room d?cor for quirkier kids

Room d?cor for quirkier kids

My son and I are currently in heavy negotiations over the impending redo of his this-is-it-until-you-go-to-college room d?cor. I’ve already said no to black walls, but the thing we both agreed on instantly were using these Critters wall decals, from cult-fave...
Putting the hip in hippie

Putting the hip in hippie

So Woodstock and I both celebrated our 40th birthdays this year, the one big difference is that mine isn’t being commemorated with ridiculously cool apparel, like this Woodstock kids tee made by Rowdy Sprout. While the summer may be galloping towards the finish...
Pencil cases for the bookish

Pencil cases for the bookish

I was clicking around etsy this past weekend and discovered this adorable handmade girls’ pencil case that I love for so many reasons. The illustration is beyond precious of course, but the I Heart Books slogan is really the kicker. It comes courtesy of...