Easter sweets? Well, kind of…

Easter sweets? Well, kind of…

Along with a big chocolate rabbit, the Easter bunny always leaves a bunch of sugary jelly beans for my kids in their basket. And though I don’t always love his artificially-colored-and-flavored choices, I let it slide for this one special day. But, this year,...
Chews wisely with Good Karmal.

Chews wisely with Good Karmal.

“Creativity takes courage.”You know who said that?The wrapper around the piece of caramel I just ate. (And, yeah, Henri Matisse.)There’s something super sweet about candy that talks back, spreading a positive and uplifting message. And believe me...
You recycle, you upcycle…and now you can Hipcycle

You recycle, you upcycle…and now you can Hipcycle

There is nothing that gets my inner MacGyver going more than upcycling. The creativity it takes to see something useful in a random everyday object–love it, not to mention the fact it can be an earth-friendlier way to shop. It totally explains my current bag of...