Got donations? Here’s how to help Haiti

Got donations? Here’s how to help Haiti

We know that moms are, by definition, givers. But after something like Tuesday’s devastating earthquake in Haiti, it can be hard to know how to best help. If you’re wanting to donate to relief efforts but unsure of where your money will do the most good,...
Chilewich, and your table is set

Chilewich, and your table is set

I’ve been a fan of Chilewich pretty much since designer Sandy Chilewich first launched the line of woven vinyl decor and accessories in 2000. I’ve always had to track her stuff down at small home boutiques and museum stores where the selection is generally...
Daddy wants a new solar charger

Daddy wants a new solar charger

When considering your options for a more eco Father’s Day (as seems to be the going trend these days), we’re liking Sustain Stores for a whole bunch of earth-friendly and guy-friendly high-tech choices. They’ve got gadgets like solar chargers and eco...
Budget doesn’t have to mean brown bag

Budget doesn’t have to mean brown bag

Sure, you can pay all kinds of money for a fancy reusable lunch bag, but why would you when there’s Neela Bags. This purveyor of a variety of earth-friendly polypropylene reusables now offers their lunch tote as a $5 standalone product (edited to add: currently...
Organic baby essentials make great gifts, naturally.

Organic baby essentials make great gifts, naturally.

When my son was born there weren’t really tons of organic or eco-friendly baby products like there are today. Honestly I thought I was being environmentally responsible by making sure there was no lead paint on his crib. Who knew a scant 9 years later...
Sales, Whoo! Hooray for May edition

Sales, Whoo! Hooray for May edition

Check in with us every Friday for the best deals and discounts of the week!Beautifully packaged tee-shirt gift sets for mom are 20% off at Cherry Tee with code “Mom09” at checkout through Tuesday 5/5. Save 20% at Moxie Kids through 5/3 on clothes from...