Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Nursing in Vogue

Nursing in Vogue

With baby #1 I was all about the receiving blanket when I nursed al fresco. This time around, I’m doing it in higher style. The nursing cover-ups from My Turtle Baby may in fact be the best-looking ones I’ve ever seen.

Sunday Driver

Sunday Driver

When I first had a baby I remember very distinctly getting the single word of advice: Zutano. My friend turned out to know what she was talking about. I loved the mix and match, durable styles for newborns, never having any idea that this mom-and-pop run company (turned fashion force to be reckoned with) also made cool stuff that older kids could get into. Now I know.

Finding Your Child Through Art

Finding Your Child Through Art

My five year old is on a mission to find herself–not through junior self-help seminars, but in every movie poster, magazine ad, or book cover she sees. Mimi will exclaim, "I’ll pretend to be that little girl in the picture, Momma. You can be the cow." (I don’t love being the cow.)

Family Jules

Family Jules

Keepsakes make me cringe (sorry, keepsake fans) as do sappy baby mama gifts. This is not because I’m some sort of cynical, unfeeling hipster, but rather because I’ve found most baby mementos to be anywhere from meaningless to downright goofy.

Because I’m the Mommy, That’s Why

Because I’m the Mommy, That’s Why

It doesn’t seem that long ago that when someone mentioned The Rules, my mind leaped to "don’t accept a Friday date on a Thursday," as opposed to, "no eating the cat litter." How quickly things change.

Saving the Earth One Sore Nipple at a Time

Saving the Earth One Sore Nipple at a Time

We know the decision to breastfeed has nothing to do with saving the planet. But when you’re slathering on the Lansinoh, it’s nice to have in the back of your mind that you’re doing something more than just sustaining your own flesh and blood (like there’s a more honorable cause).

The Highlight of Their Month

The Highlight of Their Month

My daughter is a freak for magazines — heck, she’ll even spend hours with the Pottery Barn Kids catalog. So, when I found out about Highlight’s new 2-5 yearpublication, High-Five, I knew it would be a big hit.

Excuse Me But Are Those Diapers in Your Wallet?

Excuse Me But Are Those Diapers in Your Wallet?

While we’ve had no shortage of diaper clutches to review here at Cool Mom Picks, I have yet to find one that really truly doesn’t look like one. Not that that’s a huge problem, but still, it’s nice to have an option that doesn’t scream “baby crap inside!”

Git Along Little Raindrops

Git Along Little Raindrops

With two little girls, I’ve got boxes full of dress-up clothes for rainy days. Fringed flapper dresses, feather boas, and sequinned high heels – they’ve got it all. But why should girls have all the fun?

Plush Is an Understatement

Plush Is an Understatement

With all the oodles of baby blankets on the market, it’s certainly hard to pick a favorite. But if you’ve got a picky mom with a penchant for all things plush, then we’ve got just the thing.

Oooooh, Balmy

Oooooh, Balmy

I’ve got enough in my diaper bag without having to worry about the hundred products I might want to add come spring–Calamine, lip balm, Neosporin, blah blah blah. But after trying a sample of Bye Bye Boo Boo from Zen Momma, I think I’ve just pared down my kit by about 16 pounds.

Home Run Style

Home Run Style

Now that baseball season is in full swing (haha) we’ve had our eye out for appropriate kids duds that transcend the same old same old. Not that there’s anything wrong with an authentic Derek Jeter jersey (Bosox fans, hold your tongues) but we like it when our kids can stand out a bit in the crowd of 15,000 at the stadium.

Dear Mr. Darcy…

Dear Mr. Darcy…

I always feel like a character in a Jane Austen novel when I pull out a box of fancy cards. Like I’m a 21st century Emma. Or Gwyneth Paltrow–in a good way. And with the new Glitzy & Golden cards from Dorothy Teng’s Charlyn Koo Design Studio , I suddenly I feel like writing Mark Darcy a sassy, solicitous letter.

Arts and Science

Arts and Science

As part of my ongoing crusade as a lover of science, my girls are exploring the natural world through trips to planetariums or even just finding ladybugs in the backyard. B

Keep On Rockin’ In the Preschool

Keep On Rockin’ In the Preschool

It’s never too early to introduce your kiddos to the joys of rock. Oh sure, they’ll eventually rebel, coming home from high school blasting Steve and Eydie from their 16th generation iPods. But there’s no reason you can’t at least start them off on an acceptable musical path.

Kids Art With a Longer Shelf Life

Kids Art With a Longer Shelf Life

As I’ve learned rather quickly–too quickly–the artwork you buy for your baby’s nursery might seem…well, babyish in a very short matter of time. Those sweet little Peter Rabbit prints that made you teary when your boy was just a babe in arms aren’t cutting it now that he’s three and answers to the name Mr. Destructo.

Be Vewy Quiet…I’m Hunting Giwaffes

Be Vewy Quiet…I’m Hunting Giwaffes

As you may well know, for moms with a shoe thing, Cool Mom Picks can be a dangerous place. And I count myself among you. Consider yourself warned before you click over to super talented designer Janaina Vaugn’s online Etsy shop, Olilo.

Scrapbooks Out, Storybooks In

Scrapbooks Out, Storybooks In

Those fill-in-the-blank baby books didn’t work well for me. While some of the questions didn’t apply, I just didn’t like to leave the pages completely empty–or worse, use the bureaucratic Not Applicable. Eventually, I decided to eschew the preformatted books and put together a baby book of my own design.

Parenthood: A Taxing Experience

Parenthood: A Taxing Experience

How you feel about today comes down to one thing: Whether the number in that teeny little box at the bottom of your tax return has a plus before it, or a minus. But one thing we can all agree on is, it’s a good day to have kids. Many, many kids.

A-List Teddies

A-List Teddies

Sure, your toddler loves that ratty old blankie – it goes everywhere that he does. But did you ever stop to think about what that ratty old blankie says about you and your style…or lack thereof? I shudder to think.