You’ve gotta keep them excavated

You’ve gotta keep them excavated

When my second born, a boy, joined our brood, I entered the  fascinating world of Things That Move. I point out the backhoes on our drive to school, and we clamor to the window on Mondays to watch the garbage truck come by our house. You should hear the squeals...
The Alterna-pack

The Alterna-pack

With my daughter starting school for the first time this month (we do things early in the south), she’s super excited about every little thing — plain old #2 pencils, generic brand crayons, and her regular backpack. I can only imagine what’s to come...
Keep On Rockin’ the Summer Shoes

Keep On Rockin’ the Summer Shoes

I realize that back-to-school is knocking on my door, but considering it stays warm and sunny in our neck of the woods until early October, I’m not sure my daughter will be sporting the brown eather Mary Janes on August 11. So I can blame the weather for my...
High Chairs of the Rich and Totally Lucky

High Chairs of the Rich and Totally Lucky

A high chair isn’t exactly the kind of baby gear you think you’ll fall in love with. A crib, perhaps. A diaper bag, absolutely. But that eyesore in the middle of your dining room that you will spend the next 30 or so months of your life scraping dried baby...
Happy Camper Week: Built NY Munchlers

Happy Camper Week: Built NY Munchlers

With extra protective parents and a ton of great outdoor resources right near our home, I saw my fair share of day camps growing up. So along with my swimsuit and an extra change of clothes, my mom always had to pack me a lunch. Of course, she never had anything as...