Our new favorite spot for printable toys: Smallful

Our new favorite spot for printable toys: Smallful

One of our great joys with this site is supporting small businesses and fellow indie publishers. (Hey, we still have a blogroll. Remember those?) And now one of our favorite bloggers and friends, Mari Richards of the fantastic design site Small for Big, falls squarely...
Fresh flowers for every outfit

Fresh flowers for every outfit

It happens again and again: one dress-up lap around the living room and the creepy faux-metallic paint on your daughter’s “jewelry” is already flaking off and the molded plastic clasp has begun to warp. It’s not always easy to find dress-up...
Dress-up clothes? Reader Q + A

Dress-up clothes? Reader Q + A

My daughter is turning three soon, and I want to put together a dress up box for her. Any ideas for a great Etsy costume shop? She wants an astronaut costume but I need it to be something she can get on and off herself. Any other ideas? -Alison Hi Alison, We love your...