by Liz Gumbinner | Kids, Entertainment + Media, Party Ideas, Tips + Tricks
It’s official: I’m writing about safe trick-or-treat alternatives after weeks of putting it off. The CDC has even officially recommended against trick-or-treating during COVID-19, at least in the traditional way, and oof. I need some safe trick-or-treat...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
Stronger than an off-the-record anonymous White House source. More powerful than a mask worn under your nose. Able to get more Americans believing in science in a single press conference. It’s epidemiologist Dr.Anthony S Fauci! And soon, he’ll be available...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Last week, I stumbled into a wonderful idea thanks to a conversation with a friend about how tough these days re lately: Start the morning by naming “one good thing” you are going to do that day. Whatever that means to you. It inspired the most diverse,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Hi. Get your flu shots. Get your flu shots. Get your flu shots. Need some reasons to get your flu shots besides me telling you? Here you go. 1. A flu shot keeps you healthy. Flu vaccines are proven to reduce the risk of flu illness, hospitalization and death, and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion
Welp, we’ve officially hit that point in the pandemic when we differentiate between our leggings and our nice, stylish leggings. Or is that just me? Answer: No way that’s just me. You all went kind of wild for our team’s recos for of our favorite...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kids, Tips + Tricks
My kids’ eyes flew wide open when they stepped into the living room last night and caught some of the fiasco (or you know, Dana Bash’s more colorful term) that passed for a presidential debate. This morning, our team discussed that while we’re...
by Liz Gumbinner | DIY, Doing Good
Well. This certainly has been an interesting start to Anti-Bullying Month. After four years of strife, anger, division, hatred, bullying…I can safely say that parents are tired. I know I’m tired of apologizing to my kids that they have to grow up seeing...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in a statement to her granddaughter before she died, this past Friday. I have been so saddened and yeah, troubled and angry since...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids, Doing Good, Kids
This morning I woke up to the study that’s making the rounds on Twitter: Nearly 2/3 of US young adults are unaware that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust — some get the numbers wrong, some didn’t know at all. Dig deeper into the survey results...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Doing Good
Whether you’re pinned to election coverage right now, or avoiding it as much as possible, we think every American should listen to this interview with Amber McReynolds, former Director of Elections for Denver, and now the CEO of the bipartisan National Vote at...