It’s the first things you look at when you have a baby: The bedding. The bibs. The gear. If only those humongo stores with the fancy registry guns had some of these picks in their repertoire, more moms would be a lot happier. (Eh, good thing you have the web.)
Kristen: The gorgeous handmade baby blankets from Big Fat Hen (at top) are so soft and cozy that I want to curl up right in them. If only I could steal them away from my baby.

Liz: I fell in love with the Honey Dumplings buckwheat toddler pillow and matching baby mat the second I laid eyes (and head) on them. This one’s an indulgence for sure.

Kristen: Considering the kerchief bibs from Boopalina + bebe can pass as a fashion statement and not a mere drool catcher, they’re a winner in my book.

Liz: Bibs need to do more than just look cute. If your kid has the odd habit of getting food on more places than the small swath of fabric just below his chin, the structured Bibbie bib from Dilly Dally Chic is going to make you happy.

Kristen: As a self-proclaimed baby sling and carrier addict, I have to say that the stylish Kokopax back carrier is one of my all time favorites, especially when you really truly need your hands and arms free to wrangle your other kids and walking the mall is your definition of “hiking.”

Liz: Since discovering Muslin swaddlers from the likes of aden and anais, I’m a convert. But for a new entry in 2009, I have to go with the muslin swaddlers from Shinwa Organics. It’s the baby gift that makes everyone go “ooh.”

Kristen: The affordable, and very smart Tagalong has made the transition from stroller rider to walker for my rambunctious three-year-old a breeze. And considering I don’t have three hands, it’s like having an extra, and very useful, appendage.

Liz: If you ever plan on traveling with the kids–or having other kids travel to you–the inflatable toddler air bed from Tuckaire is a must-have. My kids would rather sleep on one of these than the scary hotel fold-away cots any day.