Just the right shade of … skin

Just the right shade of … skin

My daughter recently drew a picture of herself and one of her school friends. She made herself pink and her friend brown. Neither color was exactly … right. And as a budding artist, she was bothered by the limitations of her crayons. Just as her hair isn’t...
Eco-friendly lunches are in the bag

Eco-friendly lunches are in the bag

I don’t even want to think about how many plastic sandwich bags I go through a month. Every day my son takes at least two or three in his lunch bag, and I’ve felt it’s either use a disposable sandwich bag or buy the much more expensive pre-packaged...
A little squeez’ll do ya

A little squeez’ll do ya

I have to admit that the drinkable foods sort of freak me out. Applesauce with no spoon? Oh, the horror. But wouldn’t you know it, my kids can suck down the GoGo Squeez resealable applesauce in one huge gulp.Even I find myself getting over my issues and...
Our favorite dolls get ink

Our favorite dolls get ink

We love Melissa Conroy’s Wooberry dolls. The originals are not only designed from her child’s sketches, they’re also handmade. And beyond adorable.In a move that touches my writerly heart, the dolls have gone meta and returned to their paper-based...
The diaper bag for fall (with emphasis on THE)

The diaper bag for fall (with emphasis on THE)

All this back to school shopping for my daughter has gotten in the mood for fall. And for me, that means pulling out my favorite boots and looking for a brand new diaper bag. We’re already huge fans of the Baby Kaed bags from mom Lavinia Lobo, and now her new...