While I want to be a little cynical about the brand new GAP collection of Star Wars 40th anniversary clothes and accessories for kids and adults, that just launched today I have to admit here…it’s awesome.

Like, design snob seal of approval awesome.

Related:5 of the hottest Star Wars toys your kids totally want. Trust us.

Gap Star Wars 40th anniversary collection is AMAZING!

The Star Wars Princess Leia “force to be reckoned with” tee (clever, right?) at top is my number one top pick for the young female jedis-in-training among us. And I say young because darn, it only comes in girls sizes or I’d totally be all over that for me. But hey, there are plenty of other tee styles for kids and adults.

The slip-on shoes are perfect for spring and summer. If you’re not ready to go sockless, there’s a 3-pack of Star Wars socks which also happen to glow in the dark, light saber style. The GAP Star Wars Millennium Falcon jeans jacket is perfect for serious Star Wars junkies. And that shimmery tulle skirt or capris with the  subtle R2D2 motif is A+++.

Related: More than 40 of the coolest Star Wars Force Awakens party ideas

And hey there, GAP, I see you. I see what you’re doing there for girls.

So here’s a virtual fist bump (not to be confused with a violent Keldabe handshake) to say thanks for portraying girls wearing more than the Leia stuff. Not that she isn’t the ultimate badass princess general of the galaxy in every sense — but sometimes our girls like to dabble with the dark side too.

You can find the all new GAP collection of Star Wars 40th anniversary clothes and accessories for kids and adults along with their existing Star Wars Rogue One items (on sale, no less) on the GAP site. Just note some items are for pre-orders and in-store pickup only right now.