by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Taking my kids on their first overnight plane right recently, I admit I was a little nervous about how to get them to sleep. I’m not one to shy away from the Benadryl (8 hour flight? Bring it on.) but hey, I know some moms prefer more natural options. As do I,...
by Lexi Petronis | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
My daughter is in the beautiful beginning stages of tree-climbing, which has left her with the usual variety of not-at-all-serious scrapes and bruises. I think she loves finding a new boo-boo to cover up with a Band-Aid as much as she loves trying to climb the...
by Melissa | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
The first sign of summer for me is always my first mosquito bite. I always consider bug bites to be the price I pay for good weather and barbecues. But now that I have kids, I feel the need to douse them in something to ward off bug bites, and I’ve never been a...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Does anyone else feel like buying sunscreen takes a PhD and two hours internet research? I do. And then I’m too tired to swim. That’s why we’re happy to share some family-tested sunscreens that we’ve thoroughly tested– and we checked the...
by Lexi Petronis | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Is there anything as sweet as comforting your kid after a scrape with a smooch, a kind word, and… bandages with pictures of bloody eyeballs, dismembered fingers, and centipedes crawling out of skin? CMP covered the original Scabs Bandages a few years...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
This may not be a popular stance, but I curse the day that a bunch of dodos couldn’t figure out how to properly medicate their children, leading to a ban of all those fabulous multi-symptom cold medicines and over-the-counter cough syrups for kids. I keep...
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
I have never been what you’d call a fitness guru. I never mastered downward dog, and I haven’t had a gym membership in years. But about two years ago, with 40lbs of my third baby weight to lose and my sister-in-law’s bridesmaid’s dress to wear...
by Mir | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Let me be absolutely clear, here: While I don’t necessarily agree that yoga pants can only be worn for yoga, I do believe that they’re closer to sweatpants than to jeans. That is to say, I don’t condone the wearing of yoga pants on date night, mamas....
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
I have waited three months for the Ubisoft Just Dance 2 for Wii to come out. Three months! Because that’s how long it’s been since the Cool Mom Picks team monopolized the display model at the Blogher conference, challenged our friends at Mamapop to a...
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Got a blister from your Louboutins? Catch your finger on your Dolce & Gabbana trench zipper? Well, you can now tend to your designer inflicted wounds with fashion designer and mom Cynthia Rowley’s new designer Band-Aids. Yes, yes, they’re a little over...
by Mir | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Woe betide the mother who doesn’t have a Band-Aid in her purse when the need arises. And the thing is, I’ve gotten the hint over the years, and sure, there’s usually a bandage or two smashed down in the bottom of my bag somewhere.But do I have...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Luckily, my kid’s not as clumsy as I am. But lately, she keeps hoping to have a minor accident, because she knows I have two new boxes of super sweet kids bandages by Ouchies Jr.Although we select cereal and crackers based on nutritional facts, we buy adhesive...