Pegs are not just for legs

Pegs are not just for legs

If bobblehead dolls have taught us anything, it’s that adults can now play with toys in public. Hence my complete lack of shame in adoring the simple yet amazing hand-painted peg dolls from mooshoopork on Etsy. Especially the sassy pirates. And girl pirates...
Fishy fishy on the wall

Fishy fishy on the wall

So, aside from the cluster of dirt smears from his heels, my kid’s bedroom wall is a little lackluster. And why, by the way, does he feel the need to kick his dirty little feet against the wall every night while he sleeps, anyway? I’m loving the look of...
Baby mobiles are so 2009

Baby mobiles are so 2009

I admit that baby mobiles never did much more for my kids than keep them entertained with their robotic songs and spinning cutesy stuffed animals. But moms-to-be hoping to get a modern bit of nursery decor out of the deal should be begging for a beautiful dream ring...
Where it’s always cool o’clock

Where it’s always cool o’clock

There’s a curious trend right now, a vicious but lovely circle in which interior design for adults takes inspiration from art for children, which was in turn inspired by interior design for adults. To put it succinctly, as we mentioned recently, design is going...
Little Red Writing Hood

Little Red Writing Hood

There’s a fine line between too cute and too dark, a special gray area where only the hippest fear to tread. Artist Emily Martin of TheBlackApple is there, jitterbugging in her tiny red slippers.There’s something for everyone in this fabulous hodgepodge of...
The fairest of the wall

The fairest of the wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall…move over. We need the wall space, because there’s a new princess in town. And something tells me she’s not going to be running away from a wicked witch any time soon, because she looks pretty self-reliant, despite her...
Prints Made Easy

Prints Made Easy

It was somewhere in my mid-twenties that I vowed to never again buy a cheesy reproduction; adults collected art, not dog-eared posters. Of course, it didn’t occur to me that most work I would consider “art,” would probably be far too dear for my...
A plate filled with love

A plate filled with love

Of course we want to make sure that each and every mom is treated like the goddess she is on Mother’s Day, but it’s also important to make sure that grandmas are not overlooked. After all, they had a little something to do with each of us being parents,...
Oh, okay. Wire hangers.

Oh, okay. Wire hangers.

Normally, wire coat hangers kind of skeeve me out. The way they get all tangled together makes me a crazy person. Therefore, you must understand what it takes for me to fall in love with anything made of wire with a pesky hook on top.These Original Personalized Wire...