We built this city on nouns and verbs

We built this city on nouns and verbs

The first thing I thought when I checked out the Grammaropolis website is that it’s like Grammar Rock and the Mr. Men books had an adorable love child. You’ve got the catchy music, the little cartoon parts of speech (the verb is a superhero ready for...
But, MY Teen Tells Me Everything. (Uh-huh.)

But, MY Teen Tells Me Everything. (Uh-huh.)

Why are we talking about teens? Because every single one of your tiny bundles of joy are going to grow up to be one, and you might as well know what you’re getting into. Trust me, you’re going to want to know this stuff. In 35 Things Your Teen Won’t...
A pocket full of books

A pocket full of books

Games on the iPhone are nice, having books on hand make you feel a little less guilty about trying to keep the kid occupied on mile-long supermarket checkout lines. Now you can always have books on hand without carting around pounds of hardbacks: PicPocket Books...
Oh! what a cool book

Oh! what a cool book

Browsing the Picasso Museum gift shop in Barcelona last week (I know, totally rubbing it in) I came across the most wonderful little book called Oh! by Josse Goffin. I had an idea that my two year-old wouldn’t be able to put it down and indeed, that’s just...
More scanimation, please.

More scanimation, please.

I am so excited about artist Rufus Butler Seder’s third “scanimation” book, Waddle!. Um, I mean my kids are.If you’re not familiar with these so cool they’re almost magic books, they blend engaging rhyming prose about animals with graphic...