LA Humor: Beyond Plastic Surgery Jokes

LA Humor: Beyond Plastic Surgery Jokes

If you have spent any time on the West Side of LA, you will get a chuckle out of the new kids clothing line Rabbit Kinney. (For the rest of you, there’s a hot drag near Venice Beach called Abbot Kinney Boulevard named for the area’s founder. See? Now...
Rainboots for the 2s, 3s and 70s

Rainboots for the 2s, 3s and 70s

We’ve still got another week of those proverbial April showers, but considering the April we’ve had so far, I’m banking on those downpours well into May. And this year (for a change), my older daughter is prepared, armed with a pair of the funkiest...
Earth Day Pick: Old Tees Made New

Earth Day Pick: Old Tees Made New

After discovering Courtney Chu’s original recycled t-shirt dresses, I am pleasantly reminded that eco-friendly kids wear doesn’t necessarily mean expensive organic onesies. Hooray for that! Her sweet, definitively cool kids dresses combine sometimes old...
Tea For The Twos. And Threes.

Tea For The Twos. And Threes.

While I’m not a member of the matchy-outfit fan club, I’m definitely partial to mix and match clothes from Daily Tea, the everyday knitwear from CMP fave tea collection. Frankly with the amount of sleep I get these days, I hardly remember to put shirts on...
I’m This Many Years Old

I’m This Many Years Old

With my kids’ birthdays now close enough on the horizon that I can smell the beer bill (what can I say, we have fun parties) I’ve definitely got their birthday attire on the brain. I’m partial to the cute photo-ready outfits that may or may not make...
Hey There, Georgie World

Hey There, Georgie World

If bowling shirts for little boys ever went out of style I’d be sad. No, scratch that – I wouldn’t be sad, because I’d continue buying them for all my friends’ kids regardless. And hopefully, even then, I could continue to count on...
Your Mama Wears Last Year’s Combat Boots

Your Mama Wears Last Year’s Combat Boots

If I woke up Mother’s Day morning to two smiling children bearing breakfast I would be delighted. If I woke up to two smiling children bearing breakfast and roses I would be extra-delighted. But if I woke up to two smiling children wearing the super cute...
Like Steven Sprouse for the Toddler Set

Like Steven Sprouse for the Toddler Set

I have a wee bit of high-fashion envy, knowing very well that a size (mumblemumble) mom can’t walk into the fancy designer stores and actually expect to find something that fits. And so I do what every style-conscious woman trapped in a postpartum body does: I...
Dinosaurs Are Our Friends

Dinosaurs Are Our Friends

I’m more than happy to oblige my daughter’s new dinosaur obsession, that is if I could find a cool shirt that doesn’t display a mean, scary T-Rex.I’m prefering Hildegard, my new favorite bike-riding dinosaur from parent-run label...