This Farm is Muy Loco

This Farm is Muy Loco

My younger daughter and I are commuting together these days. But my morning radio show of choice? Not so good for the under 5 set. Lately I’ve been mixing it up with some music and learning all in one with Professor Pocket: Our Silly Farm Adventure. This much...
Not Your Mother’s Polyester

Not Your Mother’s Polyester

I’m a mom who tends towards cottons and natural fabrics. So when I heard about the quick-drying kids duds from Milk Factory I admit I was skeptical.  But I’ve come around.Two smart Vancouver momtrepreneurs created this line of quick-drying performance...
Click. Take a Pic.

Click. Take a Pic.

I’m beyond tickled that my daughter has taken an interest at being behind the camera. But for now, I’m thinking the wooden version from North Star Toys is probably the safer bet than my Canon. This nearly functional camera, including a turnable focus...


As easy as it is for us to track down modern baby outfits out there, finding a sleeper that’s not soaked in pastel teddy bears or demure rosebuds is more of a challenge. What’s a slumbering alternababy to do? Answer: Check out the must-have sleepers from...
Yo Ho Ho, The Reading’s Life For Me

Yo Ho Ho, The Reading’s Life For Me

My son has decided he wants to be a pirate. For Halloween. And for a living. This is in large part because recently he’s become the star of a wonderful personalized book called Here There Be Pirates from Flatten Me. Just seeing his cute little face immortalized...
I’m in Love With the Milkman

I’m in Love With the Milkman

Apparently the milkman is not some mythical figure we all hear about when no one can explain why cousin Marty looks nothing like his dad. Rather, he’s a Nashville based t-shirt designer with fantastic taste. Who knew?The Milkman (a.k.a. Alan Douglas) along with...
Grow, Baby Hair! (Damn You.)

Grow, Baby Hair! (Damn You.)

When I find gorgeous ribbon ponytail holders, like the handmade ones at Gazzu, I can’t help but wish that my daughter had long thick hair. And I know I shouldn’t complain considering I thought we’d be stuck in baby hair clip land forever.  Mom...
Logs Abe Would  Approve Of. Honest.

Logs Abe Would Approve Of. Honest.

Recently I mentioned having discovered that the beloved Lincoln Logs of my youth are now mass produced in China, and a savvy reader pointed me towards Roy Toy. Score!If you’ve got a budding Bob the builder (or Brayden or Bianca) on your hands, I can’t...
Argyle Isn’t Just for Sweaters

Argyle Isn’t Just for Sweaters

If there was ever a time I that I wished my son would keep a hat on his head, it is now. The leaves are turning, the wind is chilling, and Kitsel is mocking me with their fantastic selection of Born to Love beanies.I’ve even considered super glue. Okay,...