Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

Whether you’re pregnant like me, nursing, or just hanging onto a bit of baby weight for nostalgia’s sake, we all have one thing in common: Major boobage. Some of it more major than others (raising hand here). Which means that sometimes you need a little...
Coming Out of the Dark

Coming Out of the Dark

Nothing says motherhood like waking up in the morning to find a little baby with his diaper on half-backwards and the snaps on his onesie done up wrong. Funny things happen at 2:30 AM when you can’t see a damn thing you’re doing.I’ve tried...
Couch Potatoes No More

Couch Potatoes No More

I’ve always been a movie geek. I love looking for gaffes, figuring out that they filmed Toronto for New York, or trying to determine who that guys is who was in that other movie where he either played a cop or a surfer. Needless to say, I can’t wait until...
Gift Baskets Get a Much-Needed Update

Gift Baskets Get a Much-Needed Update

There have been a few occasions for which I have put aside my obsessive gift-picking regimen and sent a gift basket; Iblame it onpostpartum dementia. Not that all gift baskets are bad, but there always seems to be one or two lame additions hidden in there.That’s...
Sucking Face

Sucking Face

All hail the binkie, that great pacifier (pun intended) of babies, and best friend to sleep-deprived new mamas across the globe. However if I have one complaint about them, it’s that they fit ever so perfectly out the crib slats at 3 am. I have more experience...