by Liz Gumbinner | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Tips + Tricks
I confess that when I’m struggling with an issue or looking for guidance, wisdom or just calm, I have always been a fan of various oracles and methods of divination. And I don’t mean the fortune teller at a street fair years ago, who looked at my palm and...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
I recently finished reading How to Win as a Step-Family (great book for blended families, by the way), and one of the suggestions they made to help family morale was a complaint and compliment box where everyone can air their grievances and share encouraging words in...
by Kate Etue | Books for Adults, Art + Decor
Looking for a good book to read this winter? This classic novels scratch-off poster chart at Pop Chart Lab has your next 100 book recommendations for you, with the most satisfying check-off list ever. This framed art poster has 100 classic novels — books...
by Georgette Gilmore | Books for Kids, Doing Good
As we approach MLK Day, we’re thinking it’s the perfect time to get our kids learning about activism and about how one man, through his peaceful and steadfast fight for equal rights for all, made lasting changes and a huge impact on generations. Inspired...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Books for Adults, Entertainment + Media
Yep, I’m one of those suckers who dives head-first into the self-help section every January. Not only because I actually have a few days of leisure to read as long as I wish, but also because the cold, dreary weather makes me want to hit my reset button and make...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
If you’re like us and you love to make New Year’s resolutions but can never seem to actually keep them, well, this is the Spawned podcast for you. On this episode, we’re taking a closer look at the most common New Year’s resolutions, and...
by Georgette Gilmore | Books for Adults
Looking for a cool holiday gift this season? Well, we do have 350 cool gift ideas in this year’s holiday gift guide, including a whole category of empowering gifts for girls who are going to grow up to run the world. And now here’s one for those same...
by Kristen Chase | Baby, Family Travel
If there’s one thing we know that every new mom needs, it’s sleep. Lots of it. Lots and lots of it. So what better baby shower gift to consider than one aimed at getting her just what she needs? We are so excited to put together tons of recommendations in...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Books for Kids
Let’s face it: women are rad. At everything — from sports to science, and painting and political activism. And since so much of our history focuses on men, and the Eurocentric ones at that, we love books that introduce us to new heroines from places beyond...