by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
You can’t throw a rock without hitting a Twilight t-shirt, but now you can finally use 100% cotton to demonstrate your devotion to the greats of the literary world. Salinger. Hemingway. Rand. Bradbury. We’re talking total street cred with the indie crowd,...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
After a few weeks of a ridiculous lack of sleep, I decided it was time to do something about it. And do something I did–with much success–thanks to Bedtiming: The Parent’s Guide to Getting Your child to Sleep at Just the Right Age, an awesome sleep...
by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Books for Adults
I can’t stop reading Kirtsy Takes a Bow: A Celebration of Women’s Online Favorites. And rereading it. And going back to make sure there’s nothing I missed. The thing is, it’s not just me. An art director friend shirked work for an hour to...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults, Food + Recipes
I’ve let my own wine knowledge atrophy since falling in love with someone who makes a point to say that actually, he prefers Northern Rhone wines. (Seriously.) So I was excited when I first got wind of Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl’s new tome, Drink This: Wine...
by Mir | Books for Adults
When I told my parents I was expecting, I didn’t tell them I was expecting. I told them we’d done some interesting sightseeing, and did they want to see pictures? And then I gave them my ultrasound photos.If The Grandparents Handbook had been around, back...
by Rita | Books for Adults
Evidently reading to your kids is more than just reading to your kids. And seriously pedigreed educational consultant Diane W. Frankenstein explores her concept of “conversational reading” in her excellent resource, Reading Together: Everything You Need to...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
Browsing the Picasso Museum gift shop in Barcelona last week (I know, totally rubbing it in) I came across the most wonderful little book called Oh! by Josse Goffin. I had an idea that my two year-old wouldn’t be able to put it down and indeed, that’s just...
by Mir | Books for Adults
To say that I was a neurotic mess with my first baby would be an understatement; every sniffle and bruise had me wondering if I’d broken her. By the second baby, I figured I was an old hand . . . except that he was convinced he could fly and often howled for...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
Pat the Bunny is the essential baby gift book for about a zillion people–including me–so it’s not surprising that it’s spawned a number of parodies. Now there’s one more to add to the list: The very funny Pat the Beastie. Henrik...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We’re already fans of the clever, caustic writing of author and fellow parenting blogger Stephanie Wilder-Taylor, so I figured I could give her newest book, It’s Not Me, It’s You, a good skim and craft a review. As it turns out, as each short chapter...